For startup companies, leasing is a way to reduce risk, and leave more startup capital on the table to fund other needs while still being able to acquire a desirable premium domain or established website or business.
Domains Lease Buy partners with Escrow.com for some transactions when both parties agree to do this. Escrow.com offers strong protection for buyers and sellers with their licensed, accredited and audited escrow service. We use Escrow.com’s Domain Name Concierge Service to insure 100% secure transactions.
An agreement is required to lease domains from Domains Lease Buy LLC. The terms are usually 3 years with monthly or quarterly payments; and, with an option to purchase the domain anytime during the lease. The lease is perpetual and cancelable by the Lessee at any time for any reason with just a few exceptions. And those include the following. Lessee’s non-payment of the Lease; an illegal act by Lessee involving the domain or the business that sits behind the domain; or the Lessee becomes insolvent.